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CANCELED.  Long time friends and collaborators, Caroline Doctorow and Gene Casey team up for a special one-night-only show, part of the 6th Annual Songwriter’s Share concert series hosted by Nancy Remkus.


Ms Remkus:

Songwriters Share founder Nancy Remkus explained why she began the series six years ago. “I am a person that enjoys the story behind the song — what inspired the artist to write what they did? Where did the song come from and how did it arrive? Each song has its own story,” she said.

“After I retired, while out walking one morning, the idea of the Songwriters Share came to me as a way for people to get to hear that story while also supporting local charities. The proceeds for each concert are shared between the local musician and the local charity of their choice. I also believe that it is important for us to support our local musicians by attending concerts and encouraging their art, as well as financially. They are a part of the cultural fiber of our area and benefit from opportunities to share their music,” Remkus continued.

“It reminds me of the quote: ‘Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best.’ I know our series includes many great local musicians, but I often wonder how quiet our towns, villages, and hamlets would be without the sound of their music. So, this is the series that gives back, to the musicians and the charities they choose,” she said.

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